Daniel W. Doerksen

My father was a professor of English literature. He was an Honorary Research Professor at the University of New Brunswick till Summer 2018. I include here some relevant links to his bio and writings.

Picture of Dr. Daniel W. Doerksen at the British Library (in the British Museum), London UK.
Dr. Daniel W. Doerksen at a British library in the UK.


Here is his Encylopedia.com bio: https://www.encyclopedia.com/arts/educational-magazines/doerksen-daniel-w-1931

Writings: Books by DWD

Image result for daniel doerksen book




PhD Dissertation from University of Wisconsin, Madison:

Conflict and Resolution in George Herbert’s The Temple


Select Articles by DWD



“Let There be Peace”: Eve as Redemptive Peacemaker in Paradise Lost, Book X

Daniel W. Doerksen, Milton Quarterly, First published: 03 April 2007 https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1094-348X.1997.tb00499.x

Daniel W. Doerksen. “‘Generous Ambiguity’ Revisited: A Herbert for All Seasons.” George Herbert Journal 30, 19-41 (2006/2007).

Picture of Dr. Dan Doerksen and of George Herbert Journal cover
Picture of Dr. Dan Doerksen and of George Herbert Journal table of contents



“Bearing the cross: the Christian’s response to suffering in Herbert’s The Temple” by Daniel W. Doerksen in Through a glass darkly: suffering, the sacred, and the sublime in literature and theory, Holly Faith Nelson; Jens Zimmermann; Lynn Szabo, eds. [Waterloo, Ont.] Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2010. https://www.worldcat.org/title/through-a-glass-darkly-suffering-the-sacred-and-the-sublime-in-literature-and-theory/oclc/759157022

Preaching pastor versus custodian of order: Donne, Andrewes, and the Jacobean church. Doerksen, Daniel W.
Philological Quarterly, Fall 1994 v73 n4 p417(13) http://web.archive.org/web/20030628002000/http://www.geocities.com/magdamun/andrewesdonne.html

Daniel W. Doerksen (U. New Brunswick), “Milton and the Jacobean Church of England.” Early Modern Literary Studies 1.1 (1995): 5.1-23.


“Show and tell: George Herbert, Richard Sibbes, and communings with God.” by Daniel W. Doerksen. Christianity and Literature, Wntr 2002 v51 i2 p175(17).

Other Links

Official Website at University of New Brunswick: https://www.unb.ca/faculty-staff/directory/arts-fr-english/doerksen-daniel.html

DW Doerksen was a contributor to the Donne Variorum project:

Select Book Reviews by DWD


